Acupuncturist in Parksville, BC
Acupuncture Initial visit: 75 mins $150
Follow-up: 60 mins $120
Acupuncture uses extremely thin filiform needles to access the energetic meridian pathways of the body, affecting our Qi. Qi can be brought to, or moved away from an area in order to facilitate the body's innate ability to heal itself. Traditional Chinese medicine utilizes methods such as: Acupuncture, electro-stimulation acupuncture, cupping, tui na (Chinese massage), gua sha(scraping), moxabustion (warming acupuncture points with the heat of a burning herb), acupressure, Orthopedic needling(IMS), ear seeds and more.
Any Western Herbal Medicine(Phytotherapy) suggestions that I may have will be shared during this appointment as well. I make tinctures, teas, creams, salves on site and/or suggestions on where to find them.
Examples of conditions that Acupuncture can treat or support: